Cover of Atari 400/800 Star Raiders.

Documentation of Star Raiders, 1979

Programmed by Douglas Neubauer for Atari

Because of Star Radiers required a special keypad controller for the Atari 2600, it would have been particularly difficult to present it in 2600 emulation; presenting it in Atari 400/800 emulation would have required us to include an additional emulator for this one game and would have meant we would need the rights to distribute the Atari 8-bit operating system. Instead, we have provided these annotated screen captures, video documentation, and images of related print materials. For a description and discussion of Star Raiders, see "Star Raiders: Dramatic Interaction in a Small World" by Brenda Laurel in The New Meader Reader book (<>38)

Icon for Star Raiders video. A video clip of a Zylon attack. QuickTime video. [Duration: 0'18.] From the Atari 400/800 version. Video capture by Mark Simonson.

Icon for Star Raiders video. A video clip of docking with a starbase. QuickTime video. [Duration: 0'36.] From the Atari 400/800 version. Video capture by Mark Simonson.

The following sequence of screen captures, also from the Atari 400/800 version, shows the different views that were available, as well as what happens when an unfortunate New Media Reader editor and novice pilot is too busy taking screen captures.

Title screen.

Galactic chart.

Long range scan.

Aft view: shields on.

Red alert.

Battle with the Zylons.

Starbase destroyed.

This ad refers to Activision's Star Master, although without mentioning that game explicitly:

'Beware of Mutants' Star Raiders ad.

Another print advertisement for the Atari 2600 Star Raiders. Note the special controller that was sold with the cartridge:

'An Incredible Outer Space Adventure' Star Radiers ad.

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